How to build a luxury bomb shelter: An infographic

Well I don’t know if I will ever need one but hey you never know. War, zombie apocalypse, hipsters take over the world are just a few of the reasons to hit the backyard bomb shelter for a year or 10.

How to build a luxury bomb shelter

Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

Brighten up your home: An infographic

Looking for some new lighting ideas?

Anyone who has been to our condo has likely bumped their heads on our dining room overhead lamp that lights a little too low. We are looking at our options to re-light soon. In the meantime here is an infographic to give you a few ideas.
Brighten up your home this Spring

Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

My accent pillows are accented with fur

I’ve been meaning to shop for new throw pillows for the living room but my current ones are generally occupied.

I guess there doesn’t make a lot of sense to buy anything too expensive, hard to care for or anything I won’t mind getting furry.

It's important not to wear black at our house...

It’s important not to wear black at our house…

Last of the larder: Time to can, man!

Dill pickles, pickled garlic and some lentil soup in a jar I made for Christmas and never gave away.

Dill pickles, pickled garlic and some lentil soup in a jar I made for Christmas and never gave away.

I’ve cleaned out the cupboard and I’m down to my last bits of preserves from the last year. I’ve got dill pickles, pickled garlic and some lentil soup in a jar I made for Christmas and never gave away.

Somewhere in the deepest, darkest recesses of our storage I must also have some of last fall’s chili sauce because I can’t have given it all away or eaten it.

Or did I?