Facing the fall

The hydrangea was white when I took this photo but is now brown and faded.

Galway-Cavendish and Harvey-20120708-00147

We will be headed up soon to start the fall yard work. It is time to trim and tidy, rake and store.

Here is a list of some of the more important things to consider.

16 essential fall garden tasks — Canadian Gardening

Pinkish is the new red

We finally stained the picnic table but it can be said that the colour is not reflective of the name of the stain.
Pinky picnic table

I considered calling this post, “Redwood my ass” but thought better of it when thinking about what search terms would be used that combined “wood” and “ass”.

We have had the table for a year but just got around to staining it. It has darkened somewhat but not to a degree I would call redwood.

The new garden is ready and waiting for spring

Finally, finally finally.

After years of complaining (mostly to myself) I’ve finally put in my herb garden. Well started it anyway.

I’ve cleared the dreaded gout weed that infests our yard. At least I have removed it from the garden bed at any rate. I will be haunted by this infernal green beast to the end of my days.

The weedy spring garden

As you can see with this past spring came some bulbs but also weeds. I resolved to fix this early on and be done with the weeds once and for all.


Of course the weeks rolled on by and I ended up resolving to do very little. Hey I was busy and somewhat lazy and… oh just shut up will you!


Ah but then my glorious week off in August became my workweek and to my delight I found some time to clear the weeds and begin my toiling. I cleared the whole bed out, laid down landscaping material and then shoveled in new soil.


And while the fall is quickly approaching I can confidently say I now have a start on my perennial herb garden. There are chives, mint, lavender and cone flower as well as some leftover phlox I didn’t feel like moving. I’ve also left the clematis in the hope that it comes back in a less feeble form. We will see what we see next spring.

Make a home for your house plants: an infographic

I have always lived in homes full of plants and am always amazed to see a house with nothing green to be seen.

I found this infographic to inspire those of you who have no plants to think about it. Even a silk plant might make a difference and your cats won’t likely eat a fake plant.

INFOGRAPHIC: One Simple Green Secret To Get More Done – An infographic by the team at Artificial Plants and Trees