Fall or summer?

Well I came up today to start prepping for fall but besides a chill in the air it still looks like summer here.

Many of the plants are still untouched by frost and the geraniums are still budding. I  can’t even take any leaves as they are still predominantly green.


It looks as though Pat’s grass garden did well over the past few weeks and even the hollyhock is still growing though I have been able to collect some seeds. We will see what the next few weeks have in store when we are both able to get here and start the end of summer shut down.




Holy holyhocks!

It has taken some time but my holyhocks have finally produced blooms.

For some reason I thought they were going to be dark purple but these have more of a tequila sunrise quality.


 In any case they add a little something to the space beside the back porch.
I have also planted another one this year in behind this one. This label says it will be pink, purple, or yellow so we will wait an see.

How to attract wildlife to your garden: An infographic

I found this neat, interactive infographic on bringing wildlife into the garden and I thought I would share it.

Summer is over and so is fall

Well it appears that not only is summer over but so is fall.

Ok so autumn isn’t over for a few weeks but it sure does feel like it. I don’t have any wintry schoolhouse shots yet but the ones from this fall are a reminder that winter is on its way.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.