Laven-don’t—Better things to do with lavender than I did

OK so I’m no Martha Stewart. I’ve never crafted and I’ve never been topless on Saturday Night Live.

So when I picked some lavender off the newly planted plant this autumn I naively thought I could be creative enough to do something nice with it. Sadly this lovely purple plan went from this:


to this sad attempt at arts and crafts:

Sad attempt at arts and crafts

You see this is why I took music in school and not art. Though to be fair my flute has been gathering dust for nigh on 20 years now too.

I strung up what I could in a pitiful knot and tied it to the chain on our bedroom ceiling fan/light.

Not with ribbon but string. Not a bundle but a handful. Not good. Not at all.

So I went to Pinterest and looked at what normal people do with lavender. Apparently smarter and craftier people are out there in the world sharing this type of information.

I especially like the linen water and scrub. These all seem like good ideas.

Good ideas for next year at this point, but good nonetheless.

Turning over some old leaves

Well I guess I can’t put it off any longer. It is time to start raking the leaves.

Red leaf

Actually that isn’t true. I can totally put it off and wait until spring. Or I can never do it at all and then just mulch them when I cut the grass for the first time in 2014. It’s all been done before.

But alas I’ve seen the light and I want to rake this fall. With as many trees as we have it is a tedious and arduous process but I need the exercise and its a good thing to do.

I actually found some helpful tips for raking and fall yard work in Organic Gardening recently.

The 12 Rules of Raking

I don’t think my mower can handle the workload considering the number of leaves we get here but I will try to work them in where I can. I guess we all now know what I will be doing the next few weekends I am up!

Balcony desk is the best!

Finally! A desk on which I can work AND garden. The wine holder ain’t a bad idea either.

Gardens n stuff



While some of us require a complete desk setup with multiple monitors for work, there are many of you out there who need nothing more than a small space to put a laptop. For those of you, this balcony railing mounted Balkonzept desk is a match made in heaven.



Designed by product innovator Michael Hilgers, the Balkonzept is extremely lightweight and versatile – making it perfect for outdoor workstations or just extra shelving in a small space. The desk is constructed from a durable recyclable plastic that has more than enough room for a laptop and other essentials, and even comes with a built in planter to really drive home the outdoor feeling. [via Inthralld]



This really could be the way to enjoy working and get some much needed Vitamin D that we all seem to be deficient of these days!

Unfortunately, they are only available…

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A small corner of improvement

I did manage to get in one improvement this year and that was to rebuild and kick-start this little corner garden around the water barrel.


Needless to say it was in rough shape. I had let it get a bit too overgrown and it was in need of some help.

stepping stones

I got some off cuts of rock at the local landscaping supply place for a whooping $3 and used them as stepping-stones.


Then it started to look a bit more like the garden I wanted once I got my mulch in there. Still a few things in there that have to change or be moved but I am on the right track at least.


Feline furniture

I’ve gone over cat-related furniture in the past but recently have been thinking about it again now that Mr. Sparky Lewis has just had surgery and seeks a comfortable place to recuperate.

I’ve been looking at some options for comfier kitty beds. Take a look.

Some of them I think we could even make. That is a terrifying thought…