Last of the springtime blooms

Well we missed much of the spring here but I have managed to at least see a few springtime blooms.

There are no daffodils left but the tulips and lilac are still holding on. It is the last bit of colour until the summer blooms start to show their stuff. 


A gift for the birds this Christmas

We checked up on the Schoolhouse this weekend and made sure that we left a little something for the birds.
Black-Capped Chickadee

We’ve left some feed out around the property. Provided the squirrels don’t get there first the birds should have a bit of a Christmas treat. It’s the least we can do until our new bird feeder is installed. Pat is working on something for the spring. And it is a good excuse to get up there more often.

Summer is over and so is fall

Well it appears that not only is summer over but so is fall.

Ok so autumn isn’t over for a few weeks but it sure does feel like it. I don’t have any wintry schoolhouse shots yet but the ones from this fall are a reminder that winter is on its way.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.

Turns out this lady is a bit of a bitch

Well after a bit of research it looks like the Asian Lady Beetle has come to visit.

I asked about the strange orange bugs I’ve noticed in the country and city in the last post. Turns out she is an ugly cousin of the beloved ladybug.

The Real Dirt: Asian lady beetle a North American pest

And by the sounds of it she is a bit of a bitch. I think she may get escorted off the premises if she comes back.

Asian Lady Beetle

Bump in the night

After being away for just a couple of weeks it seems that the mice decided to make their way back into the house. Standard practice around here.

Another day of cleaning out the drawers and wishing the vacuum with the pokey thing was here instead of at the condo.

Sigh. Ah well. It look like they are also taking the bait so here is hoping that is our last visit for now.