Laven-don’t—Better things to do with lavender than I did

OK so I’m no Martha Stewart. I’ve never crafted and I’ve never been topless on Saturday Night Live.

So when I picked some lavender off the newly planted plant this autumn I naively thought I could be creative enough to do something nice with it. Sadly this lovely purple plan went from this:


to this sad attempt at arts and crafts:

Sad attempt at arts and crafts

You see this is why I took music in school and not art. Though to be fair my flute has been gathering dust for nigh on 20 years now too.

I strung up what I could in a pitiful knot and tied it to the chain on our bedroom ceiling fan/light.

Not with ribbon but string. Not a bundle but a handful. Not good. Not at all.

So I went to Pinterest and looked at what normal people do with lavender. Apparently smarter and craftier people are out there in the world sharing this type of information.

I especially like the linen water and scrub. These all seem like good ideas.

Good ideas for next year at this point, but good nonetheless.

Photos: thinking “outside the frame”

We are going through old photos looking for something to put on our desolate condo walls.

I’m realizing I haven’t printed any photos in some time. I am going to have to get on that. In the meantime Pat is sorting through old frames we have collected and trying to come up with a photo wall “vision”.

He will hate all of these but I thought I would share my findings from a recent Pinterest search. I don’t like all of them either but they are definitely representative of thinking “outside the frame”.

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest dkdkdkddddkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkd

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest