Holy holyhocks!

It has taken some time but my holyhocks have finally produced blooms.

For some reason I thought they were going to be dark purple but these have more of a tequila sunrise quality.


 In any case they add a little something to the space beside the back porch.
I have also planted another one this year in behind this one. This label says it will be pink, purple, or yellow so we will wait an see.

How to attract wildlife to your garden: An infographic

I found this neat, interactive infographic on bringing wildlife into the garden and I thought I would share it.

Insanely Easy Home and Garden Hacks: An infographic

This infographic had some interesting ideas. I thought that was something worth sharing whilst we wait out the winter months.

Annual report

Well so far so good is the status update on my annuals at the schoolhouse.

Schoolhouse 2014
The boxes of geraniums and bacopa seem to not only manage sporadic watering but thrive as a result. The petunias are a little less well off but not so bad as it could be. Not that it is an annual but it appears the nearby hosta has gone nuts in its new locale.
This basket seems to be doing very well. I guess I made the right choices this year.

Condo gardening is moving on up

Well I wasn’t going to do much balcony gardening this year but after Canada Blooms I found something to re-inspire my green balcony thumb.

This vertical garden is a cost-effective space saver by the looks of it. It gets shipped to you and with a little assembly, some soil and some plants you are on your way!

Vertical garden

I think this is a good alternative to the many pots and containers that usually fill our balcony. They have a chicken coop too but that may be a bit over the top…

Dreaming of spring while the frostbite sets in

It looks as though the snow will be here for a while this year so until then I will have to ponder these photos from last spring to keep my mind occupied.


I can’t remember what green looks like at this point.


And last but not least,


A herbaceous week for me

Well that is a nice treat!

The 2014 Richters Herb and Vegetable Catalogue has arrived. That means the next few days I will be dreaming of next year’s herbs and what I can plant in my new garden at the schoolhouse that can thrive while tolerating my general absence.

Hard Neck Garlic

Garlic will be my challenge for next fall but what will I plant this spring? I’ll be flipping through the books in the next few days trying to get some inspiration. I’ve been generally uninspiring to do much these last few weeks so hopefully this will kickstart my brain.