A tale of two toilets

i have always wanted two bathrooms here at the schoolhouse but this isn’t quite what I had in mind.


Our kind friend has provided us with a new toilet (well new to us) and installed it. As soon as the water is up and running we will be able to be a little less rustic than we have been the past few months. And for now this old beaut will remind us of what a cold winter it truly was.

Time to spring winter

Is it safe to come out yet? Is winter finally over and spring on its way?

Winter is leaving. At least I hope it is.

Winter is leaving. At least I hope it is.

I generally don’t like to complain about the weather. Partially because Canadians shouldn’t complain about the cold but also working from home means I can avoid most of it. This winter though, has been nothing but a cold, crappy disaster from start to finish when it comes to the schoolhouse. Mice infestations, frozen toilets, no heat and a near propane explosion have tested the limits of patience in our household.

So here’s to spring and with it some vacation time to do some serious clean up.