A tale of two toilets

i have always wanted two bathrooms here at the schoolhouse but this isn’t quite what I had in mind.


Our kind friend has provided us with a new toilet (well new to us) and installed it. As soon as the water is up and running we will be able to be a little less rustic than we have been the past few months. And for now this old beaut will remind us of what a cold winter it truly was.

8 tips for a green home – an infographic

Here are some interesting tips I found for preserving our water system.

Given that this past weekend we had to take in the water pump for repairs and went without I do not take the wet stuff for granted!

8 Tips For A Green Home and Yard

Explore more visuals like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

Sump pumps suck when they don’t suck

after this long, cold winter I had been looking forward to spring.
Then came the call from our friend who checks on the house. The sump pump in the root cellar had quit and the cellar was filling fast. Nothing between us and the icy cold ground water other than our hardwood floors and a few electric pumps.

After careful electrical disconnects and discovering a fortunate second sump socked away in the shed, we’ve been able to stop in in flow from becoming a totally disastrous deluge. Thanks to our kind friend and ex-neighbour we have saved the house from major damage once again.

Needless to say for this reason (and others) we have very little interest in that new Russell Crowe flood film.

Building green: An infographic

Here is an interesting infographic on the benefits of building green.

There appears to be some solid reasons to build with a thought to considering the environment as you go. I think a lot of this would be relevant whether you were constructing from new or adding on to an existing site. That would sort of be the best way to recycle don’t you think?

Why build green?

Cheap and cheerful garden tools: An infographic

At our house, my grandmother never used a watering can.

We always had a large apple juice can with holes punched in the bottom and a bucket. That’s what we used for watering and it worked like a charm. Sure it didn’t look like something Martha Stewart would approve of but hey, my grandmother wasn’t a convict either.

Here is an interesting infographic on some pretty basic household items for gardening. I especially like the plastic pop bottle.

6 Common Household Items to Use in the Garden


All’s well at well’s end

Well, well effing well.

So the late summer and early fall has been a price part of the year. We’ve done some plumbing work to say the least. Those poor fellows who made their way under the schoolhouse and into our root cellar last summer to fix a leaky valve made their way back three times to complete repairs on our well.

This is what my old foot valve looks like. It was at the end of some very long water lines. I can now believe my well is more than 100 feet deep and I know my yard can hold 100 feet of water line because they have pulled it up and replaced it as well.

Oh and did I mention the new pump we also have? Let’s just say that now that the new equipment is in, this will be the most pristine water in the township. Which is good as I may have to start selling it in bottles to cover the repairs! Just kidding township. I am sure there are rules against that.

Now the well is all shocked and ready for action. They tell me it these repairs will last for some time. I suspect the schoolhouse is just the place to test this theory.