A tale of two toilets

i have always wanted two bathrooms here at the schoolhouse but this isn’t quite what I had in mind.


Our kind friend has provided us with a new toilet (well new to us) and installed it. As soon as the water is up and running we will be able to be a little less rustic than we have been the past few months. And for now this old beaut will remind us of what a cold winter it truly was.

Time to spring winter

Is it safe to come out yet? Is winter finally over and spring on its way?

Winter is leaving. At least I hope it is.

Winter is leaving. At least I hope it is.

I generally don’t like to complain about the weather. Partially because Canadians shouldn’t complain about the cold but also working from home means I can avoid most of it. This winter though, has been nothing but a cold, crappy disaster from start to finish when it comes to the schoolhouse. Mice infestations, frozen toilets, no heat and a near propane explosion have tested the limits of patience in our household.

So here’s to spring and with it some vacation time to do some serious clean up.

A gift for the birds this Christmas

We checked up on the Schoolhouse this weekend and made sure that we left a little something for the birds.
Black-Capped Chickadee

We’ve left some feed out around the property. Provided the squirrels don’t get there first the birds should have a bit of a Christmas treat. It’s the least we can do until our new bird feeder is installed. Pat is working on something for the spring. And it is a good excuse to get up there more often.

Summer is over and so is fall

Well it appears that not only is summer over but so is fall.

Ok so autumn isn’t over for a few weeks but it sure does feel like it. I don’t have any wintry schoolhouse shots yet but the ones from this fall are a reminder that winter is on its way.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.

Keeping the cold out

So are we all ready for this?

Buckhorn backyard winter 2013

Buckhorn backyard winter 2013

I know I am not. We are headed up this weekend to do a bit more winterizing. Hopefully we can keep the outside where it belongs and the house in good shape in case this happens again.

I found this list of helpful tips which may be of use.

How to protect your cottage during the winter months

Well truthfully we don’t drain the lines like some folk do as we come up throughout the winter. And we keep a bit of heat on so that’s my main concern. But we keep a clear path to the door and to the propane tank and as long as we can get in and check in regularly all should be well.

Spring is fighting back I think

It’s been a long, cold winter and most of us are sick of it.

For awhile there was no way in.

For awhile there was no way in.

I won’t complain though. As a work-from-home kind of gal I don’t have to face it as much as others.

We’ve not been able to get to the schoolhouse as much as we would like but when we did get up there wasn’t much to do but shovel.

Once you got in, there was no way out!

Once you got in, there was no way out!

However I am beginning to think there is light at the end of this snowy tunnel. The sun is starting to show itself a little more and I think we  may be over the worst.

Galway-Cavendish and Harvey-20140222-00571

I think our plants are trying to tell us something. My ivy geranium that was the sole survivor of our balcony planters last fall has made it through the winter and is now showing off its petals once again.

I take this as a sign

I take this as a sign

We also totally forgot about Pat’s Amaryllis last year so it’s been dormant and in the dark for some time. This is only about 10 days growth out of darkness. It may not be Christmas but I’ll go with a resurrection theme and say it will be ready for Easter.

Hey it's not Christmas but I don't care!

Hey it’s not Christmas but I don’t care!

There is also some catnip we rescued from our feline roommates last year. It looked pretty sad last fall but in our greenhouse of a spare room it has come back with a green vengeance. I am beginning to think we might make it out of this winter.

Dreaming of spring while the frostbite sets in

It looks as though the snow will be here for a while this year so until then I will have to ponder these photos from last spring to keep my mind occupied.


I can’t remember what green looks like at this point.


And last but not least,


2014 came in like a popsicle that’s been in the freezer too long.

I’ve always relished the Canadian winter but yeesh, this year, I’m having doubts.

I hope I insulated my plants well enough!

I hope I insulated my plants well enough!

It has been a long, cold winter this year. We headed up for New Years and were surprised at the amount of snow. Our next trip I am sure will reveal more snow!

I usually don’t like to complain about the cold winters but this one might just be the exception.

Snowy side yard

We hope that the snow and ice on the back porch, that has fallen from the roof and entrenched itself, will be gone sometime in May…