Holy holyhocks!

It has taken some time but my holyhocks have finally produced blooms.

For some reason I thought they were going to be dark purple but these have more of a tequila sunrise quality.


 In any case they add a little something to the space beside the back porch.
I have also planted another one this year in behind this one. This label says it will be pink, purple, or yellow so we will wait an see.

Yellow bathroom yes or no?

I’ve been thinking about painting the schoolhouse bathroom yellow.

This would a quick and easy solution to its current bachelor board look and may brighten up the one room that has no windows.

I thought it might be cheery but all of the selections on Pinterest are paired with grey. I think that is weird. What does everyone else think?

Source: re-nest.com via Ariel on Pinterest

Source: dotavideo.com via Ariel on Pinterest

Or I could just do this for fun?