Summer is over and so is fall

Well it appears that not only is summer over but so is fall.

Ok so autumn isn’t over for a few weeks but it sure does feel like it. I don’t have any wintry schoolhouse shots yet but the ones from this fall are a reminder that winter is on its way.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

It always looks a little lonely at this time of year.

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

There are so many leaves to rake. I laugh at anyone with a suburban yard!

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.

The yard was still green when we last raked but I doubt I will find it such now.

Turning over some old leaves

Well I guess I can’t put it off any longer. It is time to start raking the leaves.

Red leaf

Actually that isn’t true. I can totally put it off and wait until spring. Or I can never do it at all and then just mulch them when I cut the grass for the first time in 2014. It’s all been done before.

But alas I’ve seen the light and I want to rake this fall. With as many trees as we have it is a tedious and arduous process but I need the exercise and its a good thing to do.

I actually found some helpful tips for raking and fall yard work in Organic Gardening recently.

The 12 Rules of Raking

I don’t think my mower can handle the workload considering the number of leaves we get here but I will try to work them in where I can. I guess we all now know what I will be doing the next few weekends I am up!

Autumnal signs: an infographic

Fall is here and I haven’t done an infographic in a wee while so here goes.

While this is based on American information, I suspect it can be reflective of Canadian statistics as well. At least in terms of dopey people overdoing it. Raking is good exercise but it also gives you blisters and a back ache if you aren’t prepared. But a beer while raking often helps!

As for the trees info, well that is just interesting. Enjoy!

You know what is harder than blogging about yard work?

Actually doing yard work.

After all of these months dreaming about getting outside and digging into some real work I forgot how tough it can actually be.

Oh spring. I always think it is best to wait until spring to rake until I actually get there. I am generally wrong. And I broke two rakes.

I started out ok, donning my new and very cool wellies, gloves and spring jacket. But by the end I was boots up on the couch, too tired to even crack a bevy.

Oh and I only got about 1/4 done at best. Needless to say I’ll be back soon to get another tiny corner complete. I guess I’ve got more work to do.