Insanely Easy Home and Garden Hacks: An infographic

This infographic had some interesting ideas. I thought that was something worth sharing whilst we wait out the winter months.

Infographic: Feng Shui your home

Sometimes a subtle change can go a long way.

I found this infographic about Feng Shui and I thought it looked great (despite typos!).  An interesting challenge to try if you are bored at home and want to inspire wealth, happiness, intellect or any other important aspect. Who knew a goldfish bowl was so important?

Need Good Luck? Feng Shui Your Home!

Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

New beds for the boys

Not only do we need a new bed but so do the boys.

It’s time to upgrade from the cardboard boxes collected from the local grocery store. I’ve found a few on Etsy that are also a bit of an upgrade from the local box pet store.

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest


I like this teepee. I saw it recently in a magazine and it will be great if our fat cats can get out of it.

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest


This felted bed is cute but it looks like something that would get chewed mighty quickly.

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest


This one is great but alas it appears nicer than our current furniture. It will have to wait until we get new furniture as well.

Definitely some things to think about!

Harmony in a hammock

This miserable weather has me thinking about our hammock trees.

Source: via Sophie on Pinterest ****************************************** *********************************************************************************************************

We have two perfectly placed oak trees in the backyard with two perfectly placed hooks in the bark that have been a source of many a sound snooze for friends, family and likely unknown passersby when we aren’t around. They look a little like this though I can’t seem to find a good photo in my albums. The hammock trees are about the best place to flake out in nice weather which I plan to do when this winter is over.

However in recent years the trees have grown and begun to swallow up the hooks and one tree is starting to show his age and may not weather the test of time. We’re working on some pruning that may help but I hope to get a few more years out of our lovely hammock trees.

We also need a new hammock. The old white, many-stringed behemoth that someone brought back from Mexico has lost my confidence. It is time for a new one. I’ve been perusing the internet and while their prices are a bit steep it is a sound investment in weekend rest!

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest ************************************************** ** *********************************************************************************************************

And of course it couldn’t hurt to have one or two (or three) for the boys!

Art for the dining room? There’s A New Hope for us…

My recent purchase of art just arrived.

We may not agree on much in the household decorating area but this was a solid yes on both our parts. These, once framed, will grace the space over our dining room table.

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Finally decorating in a nerd-esque style is socially acceptable. These will go nicely with our Tintin triptych and my Valentine’s day gift of 2010. Most girls don’t want an A-Team action figure shadow box display but I am not most girls.

Happy “no desire to do anything for Christmas” Holidays!

I don’t know about you but I am seriously not motivated to do anything for the holidays.

I found this infographic that I believe explains why.

Daylight Hours 2012

I can honestly say that now that we are down to just a few hours of daylight I have no motivation or energy to do anything remotely Christmasy. I am the last on our floor in the condo to put a wreath out and it’s taken three tries to start buying gifts. I may avoid Christmas cards all together!

I’ll get around to it of course and I’ll talk a good game but in the end there will be no Martha Stewart-esque decorations around here. I may buy some stuff online then put my head under the pillow until I can order seeds for the spring!

Crooked postal service

Now I don’t mean to disparage the fine folks at Canada Post. I have no beef with them. Today anyway.

However I’ve been leaning toward a grudge with the local “Mr. Plow” who seems to know just the right amount of snow to push into our yard to get my mailbox leaning.

Back in my babysitting days, when I worked for the local road superintendent, it was easy to barter to get it pushed back up in the spring. But my babysitting days are long gone and this wayward post box has started to add to the general decrepitude of the place. Besides the house that was long known for its orange signs out front during elections shouldn’t have a right-leaning position in the front yard should it?

All is right with the world now that the mailbox has been righted.

Decrepitude no more! This fall and winter we are bartering with a neighbour who has sold up and needs a place to store some things and himself for a bit. He has both the tools and the upper body strength I sorely lack and has righted the mailbox that had gone all wrong lo these many years.

Now all the hooligans in the neighbourhood who cursed our mailbox for its distance from the window they were hanging out of whilst playing mailbox baseball once again have a worthy opponent. My morning glories can once again grow straight and true around the post. And while I am oft accused of having leftist leanings, at least our mailbox has at least moved “liberally” and has chosen the centre for its new view.

Canadians and their houses: an infographic

It seems we do like our homes.

I recently came across this infographic at from the folks at Domicile Experts. I like it because it shows that despite what HGTV and home reno media portrays, a lot of us are in small homes, with mortgages, with one bathroom and some traditional heating sources.

Sure we would no doubt like mansions with 15 bathrooms and a frozen yogurt dispenser in the rumpus room but for now we should be content to work with what we have and make our small homes our happy place.

 Canadian Homeowners

The vestibule is “best”-ibule

OK so I made that word up.

But a vestibule is good. You can take your boots off in here and not mess up the rest of the house. It can be where the winter clothes live while you are in summer wear. It’s a great place to stand while you wait for the school bus or your ride to town.

We haven’t had a chance to paint the vestibule yet and I am itching to do it. There is some extra vacation time tucked away in my file so I may have to do it this fall. And while we are just painting now, eventually we want to make this small, square entrance way a useful space.

I’ve turned to Pinterest to see what ideas it can offer.

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest

Source: via Ariel on Pinterest

The value of change

A lot of people don’t like change. I might be one of the those people.


I don’t like new Star Wars movies (despite the Ewan McGregor Factor), I hate most cover songs (OK Catherine Wheel and Cartman from South Park, you’ve done some good ones) and I especially don’t like thinking about making drastic changes to my historic summer home.

It’s a tough idea to get your head around. How can the rooster jug we bought at an antique shop in Northern Ireland in 1979 go on the window sill when we buy new windows? I still look at the blank living room wall to fix my hair because a few years back Pat moved the “awesome” flamingo mirror that adorned the wall for as long as I can remember.

But I guess if we are going to do it right, we should do it, right? Though these days we are merely patching the holes in the boat, so to speak, eventually we will have to move onto larger projects and make sure we are getting our money’s worth. And though we won’t sell the schoolhouse (read introductory paragraph about my thoughts on change) we should make sure the place is worth more than when we started.

I found this infographic that explains some of the more important renovations you can make. It covers all of the basics and seems to make a lot of sense.

I like this. It sort of sets out a plan for the future big jobs.

The bathroom and kitchen are definite jobs at some point. The basement is sort of a no go as we only have a root cellar as you all know. Windows will be tricky for us and would have to be custom but in the end I think they would be worth it.

What would you consider renovating at your home?